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Homie Real Estate


Homie Real Estate

Back in 2019 Homie needed to evolve their brand, and I needed that cushy in-house life; so I sold out. I crossed under the I-15 and left the agency life in the dust. I brought with me more than just memories, I brought a decade of design & branding experience and I hit the ground running. In just over one year, our marketing team nearly tripled as we grew to support 5 markets across the great American west, with more launches piled for the future.

I was brought on with the task of taking a locally beloved brand and giving it the legs to stand in front of a national audience, and what a ride it's been!

What started out as a "For Sale By Owner" platform has grown and evolved into a full-fledged real estate solution that connects people with real-life agents, super smart tech, and has saved customers over $63M.

With the support of loyal customers and investors, Homie is poised to change the entire real estate industry for good, and I'm honored to be shaping the brand behind it.

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Avalon Facebook Canvas

Avalon Facebook Canvas

“Hey Josh, DO you know how to do this?”

“No, but let’s figure it out!”

- That’s like, verbatim how the conversation went.

The task was simple: we needed to gather leads for a larger, overarching retargeting campaign. We decided what the client needed was a really fun, interactive experience for users to discover their love for beauty and opt in to receive more information about attending beauty school. We conceptualized and executed an interactive ad experience using the Facebook Canvas API in which users can swipe between layers of makeup to create their own custom look. That’s one heck of a sentence, right? That’s when the team turned to me and popped the question: can you do it? The rest is history.

I guided the next series of discussions in which we came up with a plan, did some loose tests in the office, and then traveled to the student salon where I set up a mobile photography studio that allowed me to capture the precise photos we needed to complete the effect. A little bit of photoshop magic later, and the project was done. That simple.


Name Dropping

Name Dropping

Just a few of the brands I proudly work with in the beauty industry:


Oozle MEdia

Oozle MEdia

Pushing the brand

Oozle’s blog posts are great. They’re well known in their industry for providing great information that’s relevant to their clients and the public alike. The problem was their imagery didn’t evoke confidence and expertise like their posts did. I decided to change that. What started as an effort to get people to stop scrolling their newsfeed evolved into a growing brand with its own voice and a newfound authority. 


Ginanni SHoes

Ginanni SHoes

Luxury online

Ginanni was a really fun challenge. We were tasked with helping a local company pull themselves up by the bootstraps (see what I did there?) and find their footing (last one I promise) online as a luxury shoe brand. The competition was fierce, The budget was tight, and the schedule was tighter. The first thing we needed was content, so I immediately got to work planning a photo and video shoot. I rounded up the models, scouted and secured multiple locations, and coordinated with a videographer to make sure we hit the ground running. When the day came, I stayed busy directing our models and videographer, building outfits on the fly, and shooting all the stills on my DSLR. At the end of our whirlwind shoot we walked away with a library of creative assets that I could use to design a website, social profiles, and build out a sexy instagram feed.

Oh, and when I got back to the office I set up a makeshift studio so I could capture all the product shots for each style of shoe to be displayed in their online market (whew).


eBook Covers

eBook Covers

eBook Covers

This project was an offshoot of the Niche Profit Machines project. We needed ebook covers to provide to customers so they could customize the contents and list them as lead offers on their own sites to gain subscribers to their own marketing lists. I designed each book using only stock photos, and covering an array of design styles from dog training, to survival, fitness, relationships and weight-loss. I conducted my own market research before each design to ensure the style fell in line with each book's competitive niche, all the while adhering to strict deadlines. 


Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads

Yeah, I’ve heard of ‘em. I have experience designing to (and around) Facebook's strict ad guidelines. Every ad I design is approved by Facebook and passes their 20% text rule. There’s a fickle balance between passing Facebook's guidelines, getting the message across, and attracting the attention of potential customers, and I’ve got no problem walking that line.


Niche Profit Machines

Niche Profit Machines

Niche Profit Machines

Niche Profit Machines is an online marketplace for ready-made niche businesses. A user can purchase a Niche Profit Machine and have everything they need to set up their very own money-making information business.

I started this project with a custom logo and branding, then jumped right into the page designs which include a sales page for marketing, a "products" page to showcase the available machines for sale, a cart, miscellaneous admin pages,  and a checkout page.





Sokratees is a niche t-shirt business that creates and sells t-shirts using Facebook marketing. They needed a brand and website built from the ground up, so that's just what I did. The name is a play off the ancient philosopher Socrates, so his likeness inspired the logo icon. It was important that the site be fully responsive, as a large number of customers access the site from mobile devices. I worked with a developer to bring the finished design to life.


The Digital Marketing Mentor is an internet marketing blog geared toward helping people find and market to niche markets online. I started this project with an intensive photoshoot of the client. Adam Short is a prominent figure online as both a marketer and a mentor, so we needed his photos to reinforce this throughout the site. Once I had the shots I needed I moved onto the website design. Working with a web developer, I designed this fully responsive website which features a flowing blogpost layout, a strong opt-in area in the sidebar, and prominent social sharing to maximize exposure. Click the images for a larger view.


Logo Designs

Logo Designs


Mode Salon + Spa

Mode Salon + Spa

Building the brand

Mode Salon + Spa started literally from scratch. The client had bought an existing salon and wanted a complete overhaul, including the brand. We started with the name, Mode. Our client loved the dictionary definition of the word mode, which is “(1) a way or manner in which something occurs (2) a fashion or style in clothes, art, literature, etc.”. Since the client hinged the whole name off this definition, I decided to tie that dictionary style into the branding.
He loved it.

He wanted the salon to be a modern, clean, and simplistic. These were the traits that guided my logo design. We ended up with a wholistic brand complete with a logo, brand guide, website, instagram layout, and a direction for him to model his interior after. Mode Salon + Spa was born.
